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Here are some explanations of all the antiquated words from the 1950s Holden uses, as well as the current ones that are still hard to understand.

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hemorrhage- the flow of blood from a ruptured blood vessel

phony- fraudulent; having a misleading appearance

foil- a light slender flexible sword tipped by a button and used for fencing

grippe- an acute, febrile, highly contagious viral disease

lagoon- a body of water, like a lake or pond

qualm- an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear, especially about one's own actions

swell- great

rostrum- a raised platform

sadistic- deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on another

halitosis- bad breath

unscrupulous- without principles

pacifist-someone opposed to violence as a means of settling disputes

tiff-a petty quarrel

stark- complete or extreme

lavish- very generous

conscientious- characterized by extreme care and great effort

matinee- a theatrical performance held during the daytime

incognito- with your identity concealed

burlesque- relating to a broadly humorous theatrical entertainment

suave- having a sophisticated charm

sterling- highest in quality

snub- reject outright and bluntly

chateau- an impressive country house (or castle) in France

rake- an immoral man in fashionable society

chisel- engage in deceitful behavior; practice trickery or fraud

spendthrift- someone who spends money freely or wastefully

inferiority complex- an unrealistic feeling of general inadequacy caused by actual or supposed inferiority in some way

bourgeois- conforming to the conventions of the middle class

swanky- impressively fashionable and elegant

mushy- insincerely or over emotional

beret- a soft cap with no brim or bill

blasé- nonchalantly unconcerned

clique- an exclusive group of people with a common purpose

sacrilegious- having or showing a lack of proper respect for a sacred person, place, or object

furlough- a temporary leave of absence from military duty

inane- completely lacking intelligence

chew the fat- talk socially without exchanging too much information

superintendent- a caretaker for an apartment house

dandy- very good

digress- turn aside from the main subject of attention

pedagogical- relating to the study of teaching

harrowing- causing extreme distress

stenographer- someone skilled in the transcription of speech

reciprocal- concerning each of two or more persons or things

bawl- cry loudly

affected- speaking or behaving artificially to make an impression

rubberneck- someone who stares at other people

lulu- a person who is worthy or mention

louse- an unscrupulous person

grools- ugly, or inane

plug- (in this case), to shoot

flit- a male homosexual

crumb-bum- someone who is lazy and doesn’t do work

____  kills me- _____ really surprises or amuses me

It knocked her out- it amused her

yellow- cowardly

she was really putting it away- she was eating or drinking really fast


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